Plane as day
His plane was late but that just meant I could go to Knit Night and afterwards go help pick him up, too. (Saying a prayer along the way for all those people in all those cars (six?) with all those...
View ArticleThe legendary Arthur-ian
Winter break: when you read the Sheldon comics start to stop. It’s a Sheldon-seen tradition. I need me a duck to guard my stash. I’d have to draw it a skein-atic diagram of where it’s all tucked away...
View ArticleTap dancing
At least I got a small shawl project finished while I waited for them to be done and gone. I have to put the word “plumber” in the post here just so next time I do a blogsearch to see how long it’s...
View ArticleGetting to the root of the problem
The boss came. The idea the other guy floated yesterday about maybe having to jackhammer the entire length of the house? Not so much. The boss ran his camera down and showed me the view on his screen:...
View ArticleTime to put on the Cat in the Hat hat
…With the googly eyes glued on to either side of the seam to give it that certain Frankensteinian je ne sais quoi. Or eye. Lost one in the bottom of the box a few years ago. You can never plan...
View ArticleGold medals
Bill Gold was the columnist for the Washington Post when I was a kid who taught me to love reading the newspaper–he was wise, he was funny, he was generous, he was and showed so much that was good...
View ArticleWellerisms
I told DebbieR I couldn’t remember the name of the type of wordplay that this belonged to, only that my mom had given me such a round of applause over it when I was a teenager that I actually remember...
View ArticleInto white
My blog vanished last night. Blank white only for any page and we had no idea why. I googled while Richard spent hours on it, and half the posts listed seemed to have been replaced with spam–which is...
View ArticleJeff and Brady
Part 1. Turns out my daughter has her own Piano Guy friend. He had no insurance and was saving his money to pay for the surgery he knew he needed but the stroke beat him to it. At 30. Sam blogged a...
View ArticleNarcissusarily so
The doorbell rang: a friend of Michelle’s I didn’t recognize and whose name I tried really really hard to get her to say loud enough for me to hear, since I was the only one home just then, offering up...
View ArticleA blank slate
So I have a question to toss out there. I need the voices of experience. When I was growing up, there was a rock quarry a half mile down the road that had been in operation since colonial days; we had...
View ArticleI stood there stunned
So this was nothing like that. Except in the ways that it was. After two winters of paying obscene heating bills, knowing that to replace the damaged ductwork on the roof would cost us a minimum of $6k...
View ArticleRaising crane
I saw Joe walking past the door and I apologized to my parents on the phone, who said no, no, go talk to Joe, and as I hung up I opened it. Joe. You saved our lives. And I told him about my headaches...
View ArticleFiji or not Fiji
I’m debating typing this. I don’t want to sound like I’m patting myself on the back. But then, actually, it started with what seemed for a long time like a mistake on my part, and more of one as I held...
View ArticlePrologue
I gained a greater appreciation for the phrase “it dawned on me,” after I woke up with the light this morning with the clarity of the thought. That there is even more to the story of the bank teller....
View ArticleThis old house
A whole lot of living packed into one day. You see that picture? It did not rain today. Diana was my excuse to make split pea soup, thick in veggies and ham and warm goodness for lunch on a bitterly...
View ArticleGone
Watched Olympics at Michelle’s tonight till late. And somehow in the course of the evening discovered that my Iphone 4s had zero as in 0 contacts. Nada. Everybody has packed up and gone home. No idea...
View ArticleBatteries, part two
While the second peach tree blooms merrily… The doorbell rang and I didn’t even have to sign for the box as I saw the FedEx guy on his way back to his truck. I opened the door and yelled, ‘Thank you!”...
View ArticleThe Maine idea?
Anybody else own these? Anybody else with any experience who can weigh in? Or know anybody? It’s not just the fact that the bottoms are white, which is a new thing to me. And one would notice that part...
View ArticleHappy to share
From Books Inc last Thursday to literally, knitterally, books inc: they increased. There is a monthly Friends of the Library sale and the Monday after there is often a books giveaway to clear out the...
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